Life For A Child Button 2

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Switching Gears.

"Something is wrong.  Her eyes.  She's pale.  I gave her a cheese stick and now she's 44 after she ate it, and drank a Capri Sun."

"JUICE!  There's juice in her bag.  She needs juice.  Give her juice!!!!"

"Well she's drinking another Capri Sun and she just ate a cheese stick.  They were on the trampoline.  She came in and told me she was hungry, but when I turned around, she was going down fast.  I could see it happening.  I just knew something was wrong because she looked so bad."

"I'll be right there."

I yelled to the two 4 year olds who were playing in my living room to get their shoes and get into the car.  I grabbed my phone, and called Tiara's playdate to let her know I wouldn't be home at the time we planned.  I rushed as fast as I could -- up the hill and around the corner.

THIS ad kept flashing in my mind.

When I arrived, an empty juice box sat crumpled in front of her, and she was finishing a little pack of Skittles.  In the blink of an eye, her color improved, she hopped off the bar stool, and was running off to play with her friends with a BG of 115.

Then I remembered about dinner in the oven and the boiling pot on the stove.

Reality check.

Life goes on.

Switching gears is hard sometimes.

One minute, I'm in fight or flight mode -- adrenaline pumping, heart pounding, palms sweaty, focused, and intent on saving the life of my daughter.

The next minute, I'm thinking about dinner.

Just like that.

If my blog were to be turned into a TV show, it would be a series called "Switching Gears". Each week, a different blogger from my Cookie Jar would be highlighted, and the entire DOC would chat on FB/Twitter while watching that week's episode.

It would be a pajama party every day :)


Wait.  Did I just switch gears there?

Okay.  I wasn't going to do it.  For some crazy reason, I decided this evening to join in on National Health Blog Posting Month.  Somewhere between flight and flight, dinner, and bedtime -- yeah -- I decided to jump on the bandwagon.

So there ya go.  Day 2...check.

This post was written as part of NHBPM – 30 health posts in 30 days:

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  1. You had my heart pounding there for a glad her BG decided to cooperate and come up. It's amazing how quickly they can drop and just as quickly bounce back (when treated). Love that you are participating in NHBPM...looking forward to reading your posts! And I'd totally watch your show :)

  2. I really enjoyed your post. I have a hard time explaining to others what life is like with a diabetic child. Everything can be great and then boom it's not and then boom it's great again and you continue on while you try to shake off the not great moment. This was a great example of what happens all too often. I shared it on my FB page because these are the situations that are always in the back of my mind that I would like others to understand even when everything is going "great".

  3. Story of our life. I always tell others that normal people have one gear in their brain constantly processing information. D mama's have TWO gears...both constantly processing information at the same time!

    Swithing Gears puts it perfectly!

  4. I totally see these little gears in our brains. They are brightly colored . . . switcheroo! Just like that. :)

  5. TOTALLY felt the heart pounding fight or flight mode you were it's a wonder more d-parents don't have heart attacks on a regular basis. So glad she came up and I LOVE pajama parties! LOL!

  6. We had a similar situation yesterday...we had a nonworking pump and a huge high just before dinner. As soon as it came down, we focused on dinner and playing and it was like the madness that came with the pod change and high never happened. It is good that we can get refocused and move on so quickly.


Candy Comment Love!

P.S. (Moderation has been enabled due to mega-spamming sugar cubes.)

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Life For A Child Button 2

While I'm happy to share our experiences with what works, and what doesn't work, for the management of Type 1 Diabetes and Celiac Disease in our house, please do not mistake anything you read here for medical advice. Decisions regarding your/your child's health care should be made only with the assistance of your medical care team. Use any information from this blog at your own risk.