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Thursday, June 2, 2011

BodyBack Workout: Week 7 Review


This was the last week of working out with the BodyBack program.  Next week we'll have our final weigh in, and comparative assessments before a final group activity.  It's hard to believe.

This week, I didn't feel like running.  To be honest, I didn't feel like moving at all.  In the end, I ran/walked 3 or 4 miles...and I can't believe I'm writing that.

"I ran/walked 3 or 4 miles"


It's small potatoes in the big world of running, but I'm pretty proud considering that, 7 weeks ago, I couldn't run 25 feet without wheezing, and having to stop to catch my breath.

Our last workout together was a military style boot camp class.  It was awesome.  We wore backpacks padded with towels, and carried a weighted medicine ball.  We wore them for the entire workout -- crab-crawling up a hill, bear crawling down, lunging, squats, jumping jacks, sprinting, weight name it. We did it...while wearing a weighted back pack.

My favorite moment was near the end of class.  We were in teams of 4-5, and everyone held a plank while each team member took a turn crawling under three times.  Okay, in the MOMENT I was hating that exercise.  It wasn't until I was reflecting back on the class, that I realized how much I enjoyed it.  You couldn't fall.  You HAD to hold that plank, because your teammate was counting on you.  When I was slithering under  on my turn, I kept thinking I was too big to fit.  But I wasn't.  I didn't get stuck.

Mama Rose (that was my "military name"...and you can bet my instructor used it!) showed up. She showed up week after week, and poured everything she had into each workout.  She battled her sweet tooth, learned how to run, and made this experience personal.

Yes, Mama Rose showed up.

Next week, we'll see if it made a difference.

Body Back® is the newest program release from Stroller Strides’ founder Lisa Druxman. Body Back is a results based workout program for moms of any age. Inspired by the Mama Wants Her Body BackDVD series, it offers high intensity, interval workouts along with before and after fitness assessments, a nutrition plan, coaching and support in a motivating and inspirational program. The workouts have been clinically proven in a University research study to help moms lose the weight and get their pre-baby body back. Moms all over the country are achieving results that they never dreamed possible. 100% of the weight lost was pure body fat! You will see that anything is possible!
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  1. Mama Rose you are definitely on the top of the list of people I would want as a teammate. You never let anyone down...ever. Congrats on your BB Program. You should be proud.

  2. GO Mama Rose! Sounds like a tough class, whether you lost weight or not - you should be so PROUD!!! :D

  3. For sure it made a difference, Mama Rose!!! :)

  4. I can comment again!

    So so proud of you! Youre kicking butt!

  5. I can already see it made a difference. A huge difference. Just the way you recount your experiences over the past 4-5 weeks has been amazing. Keep it up Mama Rose!


Candy Comment Love!

P.S. (Moderation has been enabled due to mega-spamming sugar cubes.)

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