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Tuesday, November 22, 2011

A1(c) Gluten-Free Sugar Cookies

Almost a year ago to the day, I wrote THIS post.  I was freaking out about Sugar's November endo appointment, because I knew in my heart that her A1c would be elevated.

Fast forward to today, and.....NOTHING SEEMS TO HAVE CHANGED!  Today I was still stressing the A1c, because I know how difficult her numbers have been lately.

This past week has been HORRIBLE.  HOR. RI. BLE I TELL YA!!!!!  And...OF COURSE those are the numbers that get printed off for review.

So I made cookies.


I said cookies.

I mean, what else are you supposed to do when preparing to face a brutal reality in black and white?

Her A1c was 7.5%.  It's higher than I'd like, but still in her target range.

Tomorrow is a new day.

And it just might call for cookies :)


Here's my very most favorite gluten-free sugar cookie recipe:

(Copied from HERE)

¼ cup shortening (e.g. Earth Balance)
¼ cup canola oil
2/3 cup granulated cane sugar
2 egg yolks
2 tsp. gluten-free vanilla extract
1 ¾ cup Jules Gluten Free All Purpose Flour½ tsp. salt
3 Tbs. water (as needed)
food coloring (optional)

Cream shortening, sugar and oil several minutes with an electric mixer, until very fluffy. Add egg yolks, vanilla extract and food coloring, if using. Mix in the dry ingredients, adding in tablespoons of water as needed to keep the dough together and avoid dryness (err on the side of this dough being wetter so that after refrigeration, it’s not too dry). Pat the dough into a disc shape, cover tightly with plastic wrap and refrigerate the dough until very cold, at least 3-5 hours (overnight is best).
Preheat oven to 350 F (static) or 325 F (convection).
Lightly flour a clean rolling surface with Jules Gluten Free All Purpose Flour. Roll the dough to approximately 1/8 inch thickness and dust cookie cutters with flour before using to cut out shapes. You may also roll thin coils of dough of different colors and braid into candy cane or other fun shapes.
Place cookies onto parchment-lined (or greased) cookie sheets and decorate with colored sugar, if desired. Bake approximately 8-10 minutes, or until they begin to lightly brown at the edges. Cool on a cooling rack and frost with gluten-free frosting, if desired.

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  1. Those are the most adorable cookies I have ever seen! You guys rocked the A1C even with cookies..way to go!

  2. I agree...adorable cookies! I hear ya on the stress of the a1c too...great job though!

  3. Love the cookies! I always dread her A1c checks...I'm my own worst critic and always feel like there's more room for improvement. We had Charlotte's the other week and "celebrated" with a sweet treat too!

  4. Love the Diabetes Awareness circles on the cookies. They are too cute. I understand about the A1c, your being disappointed but it is still in the 7s. 7.5 is technically not that bad and she will be just fine. I know many who would be thrilled with a 7.5 with young children... all that spontaneous exercise, growth spurts, etc. You just can't achieve perfection 100 percent of the time. Sometimes you just have to accept good enough. Hope you pigged out on those delicious looking cookies.

  5. Love those Wendy. So cute and creative. Everytime I make gingerbread men, I distort the faces because I'm such a bad decorator. And, I don't think that A1C is bad at all. Great, all around.

  6. Those are ADORABLE! : ) And 7.5 isn't awful, I kinda like it! (does that say bad things about me as a pancreas?)
    Don't stress-it's Halloween/Thanksgiving/Christmas, and I don't expect a sparkling a1c in December either. We'll rock it in the spring. ; ) Promise. Hugs, girl! And Happy Thanksgiving!!

  7. What a great idea! I should make cookies every time I get my a1c results!!

  8. Maybe if I'd brought cookies to our appointment on Monday, Jack's A1C would have been better! Or at least I could have enjoyed a little emotional eating during the appointment!

    Your cookies are adorable! Love them!


Candy Comment Love!

P.S. (Moderation has been enabled due to mega-spamming sugar cubes.)

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While I'm happy to share our experiences with what works, and what doesn't work, for the management of Type 1 Diabetes and Celiac Disease in our house, please do not mistake anything you read here for medical advice. Decisions regarding your/your child's health care should be made only with the assistance of your medical care team. Use any information from this blog at your own risk.