Life For A Child Button 2

Sunday, August 7, 2011


I left today's church service, and made my way across the lawn to the children's building.

It was hot today.

I know I live in the desert and all...but this is just uncalled for.

To me, anyway.

Honestly, I have NO IDEA why it seemed to bug me so much today.

But it did.

And none of that has anything to do with today's magic number, except that I wish it had been 74 degrees out.

Anyway, after gathering Tiara from the kindergarten hallway, and walking across to the other side of the building to pick up Tink from the preschool classroom, we had to hustle upstairs to grab Sugar and her BFF.

The leader pulled me aside to let me know that Sugar had tested about 15 minutes earlier, and was 130, but kept insisting she didn't "feel like 130".

Then Sugar smiled, and said "I feel low now."


A few hours later, she left a game she was playing because she was feeling low.


Then, just before dinner...she complained of being low again...


The other day, I couldn't keep her out of the 50's.

This is progress!

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  1. How crazy! I have often thought about playing the lottery and using Emma's #'s when they came out consistant like that...:o) I hope tomorrow cools off a bit for you!

  2. Ugh! Don't you hate it when these numbers seem to taunt you? Like diabetes is saying "nany nany boo boo" or something? Tonight Ruby alerted and Faith's bg was 110 and dropping. I fed her and decided to check her before bolusing to make sure she was coming up. She was 111. Our youngest son's bday was today so I gave Faith cake and checked her again and she was 112. I didn't bolus for anything. If she's 113 when I recheck her later I'm going to scream.

    But hey, here's to progress! We'll take it, huh? :)

  3. how odd is that...glad she's feeling these lows and you're catching them all before they're in the 50's. Enjoy the start of a wonderful new week :)

  4. I always have to do a "double take" when we get a few in a row like that ... weird. Come hang here with me at the end of the week. Our highs are gonna be 72!

  5. Thats strange! I think it's creepy when all the numbers seem the same. I had a day last month where my BG wouldn't budge from 67 no matter what. After 4 hours it finally went up to 76 and stayed there. Weird! Hope things cool down for you guys! :)

  6. Creepy! Glad it wasn't another 50s episode...70s are better, but still!!

  7. We are on vacation and our magic number here has been 48! I would really take a 74!! She has been popping those glucose tabs like crazy! Hope the next few days our magic number is 100 or at least 90

    Kelly Harp

  8. We have that happen sometimes with the same number hours apart. :) Isn't that funny? I usually just wish he was flat between those numbers, but often- not the case.

    Here's wishing for no more crazy hot weather. TX is melting me, I swear.

  9. Those repetitive numbers really are shocking! It's great that she recognizes and feels the lows. Hope the weather and the blood sugars fall into line! :)

  10. funny my kids still think it is so cool when their BGs are the same.... these numbers are always rolling in my head....


Candy Comment Love!

P.S. (Moderation has been enabled due to mega-spamming sugar cubes.)

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Life For A Child Button 2

While I'm happy to share our experiences with what works, and what doesn't work, for the management of Type 1 Diabetes and Celiac Disease in our house, please do not mistake anything you read here for medical advice. Decisions regarding your/your child's health care should be made only with the assistance of your medical care team. Use any information from this blog at your own risk.