Life For A Child Button 2

Friday, December 10, 2010


I can rattle off certain dates to you.

December 18, 2006 is one of them.

It was the day I regained faith in humanity.  The day I decided I wouldn't live among strangers.  The day I promised myself that I would do anything in my power to create a community of friendliness in my neighborhood.  My heart, my mind, my spirit, my changed that day.  I went from feeling alone in the desert to feeling blessed surrounded by community in the matter minutes.

First of all, 12/18 was Tiara's due date the year before.  I remember thinking about this as the day unfolded.  I was about 20 weeks pregnant with Tink, and the the last time I had been 20 weeks pregnant, Sugar was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes.  After a hectic move across country and spending several months in an apartment while selling our first home, we had finally moved into our current home just 10 days before.  Our home was in a brand new neighborhood at the edge of the desert - literally - THE. EDGE. OF. THE DESERT.  At the time, I didn't have a single neighbor.  We didn't have mail service or trash service. Our phone, internet, and cable were yet to be connected.  There wasn't a cell tower very close, so every call I tried to make would drop pretty quickly.  I was essentially surrounded by construction workers day in and day out...for awhile there was a port-a-potty that sat adjacent to my front yard.  At night, we could hear the coyotes wandering through the framed homes -- their howls echoed up and down our streets.

I was, in fact, alone in a desert place.

Tiara had her 1 year well visit and the office was running really behind.  Sugar was on shots, and our entire life was structured around her meal schedule.  I hadn't packed a lunch that day, because I thought we'd have a couple hours between the appointment and her lunchtime.  When the office visit was finished with Tiara, I decided to forgo the trip home and stop at Chick-Fil-A for lunch instead.

I had that uneasy maternal feeling in the pit of my stomach while driving to lunch.  Even though her number seemed stable, I knew we were pushing the clock...I was worried about Sugar sitting in the carseat behind me.  It seemed like every light was red, the merge to the freeway frustrating, and the exit wasn't approaching fast enough.

After skidding into a parking spot, I put Tiara in the stroller, threw the over packed diaper bag on the handle, slung my purse over my shoulder, and carried Sugar on my hip while waddling through the parking lot.  We made our way inside and got in line.  I ordered, and and we stepped back to wait.

Sugar seemed fine.  She was excited to go into the play place, and kept asking if she would get a toy in her lunch sack.  I turned my attention to Tiara who was getting fussy in the stroller...and then it happened.

Sugar passed out...hit her head on the tile floor...came up screaming, combative, confused. Somehow I swooped her up and managed to get all of us to the corner.  All the tables were full.  The only thing I could do was sit her on the counter and try to get her to drink some juice.  She was refusing it, screaming, kicking, head bobbing...Tiara was screaming...diapers and juice boxes were falling all over the floor....

Meanwhile the nice cashier was trying to get me to take our tray and move to a table. Eventually, he found us a table and carried the food himself.  I really have no idea how the girls and I - and all of our stuff - made it over there.  By then, the entire place was shooting me dirty looks.  Everyone was obviously annoyed that my unruly, bratty kid was causing such a disruption to their lunch hour with all that wailing and carrying on.

Tiara was screaming.  Sugar was combative.  Tink was going crazy on the inside.  Lancets and test strips were everywhere.  Our fountain diet lemonade was toppled over.  The diaper bag had been torn apart, and stuff was strewn everywhere.  I was covered in sticky cakemate gel, and painful bite marks were indented into my fingers.

I was afraid.

I started to cry.  Not like a loud sobbing cry...more like a quiet panic because I had no clue what to do next.

I didn't know how I was going to fix this low blood sugar.

Or how on earth we'd ever get back on track with our entire life scattered all over the restaurant.

Then, out of nowhere, a woman appeared.

"Hi there.  I'm K.  We're going to have lunch with you.  You deal with your little one there, and I'll take care of feeding your baby lunch."  (Puts tray down on the table, takes a seat, and begins to unbuckle Tiara from the stroller.")

Her companion was a few steps behind.

"Oh.  I see we need some napkins here.  You just continue with what you need to do and we'll clean up this mess."  (Proceeds to begin cleaning up our mess.)

I just stared at them.  I didn't know what to say -- and they carried on without skipping a beat as if I wasn't sitting there literally trying to save my daughter's life.  They allowed me to focus all of my attention on Sugar and that low blood sugar without quizzing me or demanding an explanation for her behavior.

I could have sworn they had wings.

Shortly thereafter, Sugar came around and was able to sit in my lap to eat her lunch.

I kept staring at these complete strangers...she held Tiara in her lap...he was making sure the chicken was cut into itty-bitty baby bite sized bits.  Our drink had been refilled, spills cleaned up, extra napkins waiting on the table...

Once Sugar had eaten, she was fully recovered and wanted to play.  The gentleman told me to finish my lunch and went to sit inside the play place to keep an eye on her.  We were sitting right outside the glass window of the play structure, and I could see everything going on inside.

I was speechless.

This young couple turned out to be engaged to be married the following March.  He was a pastor at a local church my family and I had been considering attending.  I had felt God calling me towards this church for several months, but I was worried because it's HUGE (like almost 20,000 members huge)...I was worried Sugar's diabetes would get lost in the crowd, worried about parking lot issues, worried that it wouldn't be personable...

Well, after that experience, we did, in fact try out Christ's Church of the Valley (CCV) for the first time.

I couldn't have been more wrong.  CCV turned out to be the answer to prayer our family had been looking for.  The children's programs offer a very safe and secure experience. Another D Mama and I went to train some of the staff about basic diabetes stuff, including the signs and symptoms of low blood sugar.  For extra reassurance, there is a medical team on alert during each service.  If there was ever a time that one of us didn't hear our phone, a paramedic would only be seconds away until we could arrive.

CCV changed our life.  Our marriage is stronger.  Our family closer.  Our home more humble. We needed an effective way to filter God into our lives.  CCV was, and continues to be, the answer we were looking for.

I just wish it hadn't taken such a drastic experience for me to listen to my heart and give it a try.

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  1. Wendy...I am in tears. I can so picture the scene of you and the girls and your stuff in the restaurant. I can feel your helplessness and frustration through your descriptive words. What a blessing this young couple was/is to you and your family.

    Your church sounds a churchy-sense and in a community-sense.

    Thanks for opening up and sharing this story and your faith.

  2. Wendy, that post brought tears to my eyes. What an amazing, faith-filled story. What those folks did for you makes me want to go out and do a good deed for someone else today. ((hugs)) Thank you for sharing!

  3. Wow Wendy! I am fighting back the tears. You have a beautiful way of writing that makes me feel like I was right there with you. I was frustrated and scared with you as I was reading your story. God works in mysterious and wonderful ways. Sorry for the experience for you and Sugar, but wonderful that you found such a beautiful church family to be a part of.

  4. Fighting back tears here too. I can imagine that scene a little too well in my mind. So thankful that you have a wonderful church. We feel the same way about our church. Our churches sound a lot a like, except that ours is a little smaller, only about 5,000. It's funny how God works sometimes! :) Thank you for sharing and opening up your heart.

  5. Oh Wendy....what a beautiful story. I pray that when given the opportunity, I will step up and help just like that couple. What a blessing!

    (P.S. Are you managing to have your quiet time? I've been LOUSY the past couple of days. DETERMINED to get it in today!)

  6. Sometimes God whispers, sometimes He nudges, sometimes He yells, and sometimes He just has to hit us over the head with a frying pan to get us to SEE his message.

    This couple was your frying pan to SEE the community of God loving people who were waiting and praying for you to come and join them.

    God knew you were lonely and scared and needed some help and He also knew you were scared to go to that big 'ol church.

    I am just so happy you shared this story because I LOVE to hear how HE works in other's lives!

    What a wonderful story to be able to share about how you came to know your church. And what a fabulous and powerful message to people about reaching out and helping even if it may feel awkward or strange.

    Thank you for sharing this, Wnedy!!!!!

  7. Scary with a beautiful ending,,,so glad the tissues were near. Angels for sure.

  8. Oh, Wendy, I can totally picture the scene and you've brought tears to my eyes again. Thank God for that young couple! I'm so glad God directed them to you and you to them! Beautiful post!

  9. I am sitting here with tears streaming down my face. God has given you a gift in your writing! What a beautiful story of faith and how God stepped in "just in time". I want to fly to Phoenix to attend your church after reading this. Thanks for sharing this beautiful story, I needed it today!

  10. Oh Wendy, that is a beautiful story! I cried and smiled, perfect - like a Hallmark card! I am so glad you found a church your family needed and you truly enjoy. I really enjoyed our church in Houston, it was HUGE, but somehow so small and personal, too. I miss it tremendously even seven years later!
    Enjoy your holiday with those who love you so much!

  11. I just cried through your whole flip'n post. Angles indeed!!

  12. Love this story, and I love that it's a reminder for all of us to step up to the plate and help someone in need. I am so glad that couple was there for you. And what a great way to be able to get a glimpse of a church's heart without having stepped through it's doors. A blessing indeed!

  13. Beautiful...angels at your side! Isn't it amazing how such a simple gesture can mean so much?! Most people would walk right by and do nothing. That was a beautiful story, thank you for sharing it.

  14. I am almost speechless. I hope that I can be that giving one day. I think deeds like that take more than heart... it takes courage and a strength that can only come from above.

    I am glad that you have been blessed with a place that makes you stronger.... it sounds wonderful.

  15. Yep, made me cry too. What wonderful people to be there when you needed it. Your church sounds wonderful.

  16. The image your words create is one that will stick with me. Being able to relate to both the anxiety and the shock of these people swooping in to help makes your story very impactful to me. Thank you for sharing it. It's nice to know there are angels like that out there among us.


Candy Comment Love!

P.S. (Moderation has been enabled due to mega-spamming sugar cubes.)

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Life For A Child Button 2

While I'm happy to share our experiences with what works, and what doesn't work, for the management of Type 1 Diabetes and Celiac Disease in our house, please do not mistake anything you read here for medical advice. Decisions regarding your/your child's health care should be made only with the assistance of your medical care team. Use any information from this blog at your own risk.